We Happy Few is due out for release on PC and Xbox One on August 10.

The Review report also pointed out the various guidelines under the National Classification Code and the specific rules for computer game classifications under the relevant Act. In the Review Board’s opinion, the interactive drug use does not exceed high, therefore the computer game can be accommodated at R 18+. In the Review Board’s opinion, the use of the drug is not presented as an incentive nor does it constitute a reward for the player in achieving the aim of the computer game. The character’s action in taking the drug is usually the only viable option given and while it may enable the character to pass a stage/level of the game, the benefit is short term and is followed by a loss of memory and a reduction in health points, the depletion of the body and/or withdrawal symptoms. The actual use of the fictitious drug as a game progression mechanic, questions the viability of such a gameplay decision at each stage/level. Ultimately, the Review Board found that any benefits from the use of Joy were “short term” and they were often followed by a drop in health, “depletion of the body” and “withdrawal symptoms”.