" as load_script variable is set to false! Edit lua file at ". Out.ting("*** WARNING: Not loading script for campaign ". change this to false to not load the script require and callback commands at the bottom of the file This shouldn't need to be changed by per-campaign, except for the First file that gets loaded by a scripted campaign. but when the turn passes the fog returns again. When I start the camping i see the whole map. ALL of the credit goes to Magnar, not to me.I have found the file and the purple text was already there. function to call when the first tick occurs Scripting.game_interface:show_shroud(false) " without success - either the script is not present or it is not valid. Script_error("ERROR: Tried to load faction script ".
They were so busy in early release that they didn't even manage to remove the console window like the past three games.Local success, err_code = pcall(function() require(scriptname) end) But still, if the console and debugging thing is still present in the game it means that CA has only half the game finished. Well.what has been seen, cannot be unseen. I know that we still don't know the 'cheats' but still, it is not going to be long before someone spots them in the game files during modding.

Good move in my opinion.until it turned out today that the console cheat window is still there. I thought they removed it ever since Empire. It took me a real effort to restrain myself from adding population to my capital and unlocking Marian reform units right in 270 BC.

It took months before I could control my temptation to NOT give myself a few more bucks or force victories in autoresolve. In RTW, it was a disaster when I learnt about console commands i.e. He pressed the '~' button and to my shock and horror, the console window from old TW games appeared. Oh God, today my cousin and I were playing Rome II on my PC.